To evolve into the region’s world class freight forwarding and Logistics Company

  • Integrity
  • Reliability and Dependability
  • Passion for Efficient Delivery

Our Services

With our HQ based in Dar es Salaam,we provide bellow services to all;

Clearing & Forwarding of Import, Haulage and Local Clearance

Customs clearance of all kinds of cargo, and this include both local and transit

Airfreight and Seafreight

Sea freight is an eminent feature among the services offered by us. Our network of agents and logistics partners worldwide enable our clients to benefit from a package tailored to their individual needs and time requirements

International Freight Forwarder

: Our contacts with carriers enables us to offer our customers a competitive freight rate and immediate movement of the cargo. Our well maintained relation with the carriers always helps us to airlift the cargo with the first priority.

Cargo Consolidation

We facilitate our customers by making cargo consolidation by Air/Sea which includes the transportation of cargo to the stuffing point, stuffing the cargo into the container, processing shipping documents w it h c u s t oms , u s e o f p r emi um Air/Shipping lines and make sure that the cargo will reach the respective destination well before the stipulated time given by the reputed customer.

Bonded Warehousing & Transportation

We follow carefully all the important shipping instructions given and take care of your cargo by warehousing it until the shipment will be physically effected.

Door-to-Door Delivery Services, Customs Clearances

sTransfer from Local Port of all types of cargo including Out Of Gauge (oog) both local and Transit